Article Marketing Success And How You Can Achieve It

  A lot of the job opportunities of the past have given way to automation, but there are some things in life that computers just cannot do better than humans. Writing content is one of these things, and that's why article marketing requires so much knowledge in order to be able to pull it off correctly. Learn more about it below. Because not everyone enjoys reading long articles, you should always shoot for articles no longer than 500 words. Many studies have been conducted on this subject, and the popular consensus is that most readers lose interest in basic web articles after 500 words. Don't forget: The Internet is a doorway to instant information, so it's easy to click off of your content and onto a funny video. Keep your keywords current. Researching in the beginning is very important, but do not let it end there. Keep researching on a consistent basis to find what keywords are still of good use to you. If one of your keywords is no longer popular, but a different rele

Life Style Is A Choice

 Everyone's idea of a 'good' lifestyle varies - from being able to buy whatever you want, whenever you want, as much as you want to staying current with your rent and putting food on the table on a regular basis. I believe that most people would like to do better financially than to eke out a bare existence from day to day. But for some - that is their idea of doing well. This week I would like to focus - not on defining what your lifestyle should be according to someone else's standard but to focus on what is really important in life.

I don't advocate poverty, vows of abstinence, or going without the necessities of life (however you chose to define what is necessary - is up to you) but I am learning what is really important. Money is nice. Freedom of choice due to financial well-being is a worthy goal. A net worth that exceeds that of your parents or neighbor will give you a certain degree of comfort as you move through your days.

However, please consider, would you trade all or a good portion of your cash for any or all of the following:

-A few good friends who would be there for you no matter what and no matter

when or how often?

-Loving relationships with your spouse, children, in-laws, siblings?

-Guaranteed good health until your last day of life?

-An inner sense of peace, harmony and balance?

-The respect of your peers, friends, family, customers or even strangers that cross

your path?

-A feeling that you are on the right path pursuing the course that was meant only

for you?

-The knowledge that your life has made a difference in some way to someone or

some group?

-The ability to contribute in some way to your fellow travelers on planet Earth?

-A belief that your life really matters?

I know many people who have accumulated a great deal of money in their life and who could buy and sell most of us several times over. I am not being critical of the accumulation of wealth...

The world has become unleashed some of its most deadly diseases in the past decades. Even as health care technology has rapidly develop, so did the diseases managed to mutate into their deadlier versions. You would want to know these top three diseases from WHO (World Health Organization) in our times so that you can take precautions and preventive measures from getting contaminated with these lethal maladies.

As people become more densely populated in areas, so does the vast spread of diseases widened. Many has attributed to the growing population to be the main reason why nature has to make deadly diseases. Millions of people get wiped out due to diseases and this keeps the balance of nature. There are three main causes of diseases accepted by most experts, namely: toxemia, deficiencies, and enervation and toxemia cycle.

Toxemia is described as internal poisoning caused by the chronic or instant accumulation of toxins in the body. Deficiencies are the lack of certain nutrients and vitamins required by the body to put off harmful bacteria or viruses. Enervation and toxemia cycle is caused by the unhealthy lifestyle of constant strenuous and stressful activities coupled with deficiencies that goes with the practice of unhealthy living. These are all possible causes of diseases which are harder to cure because their only treatment is a disciplined and balanced life. The diseases can be remedied but their occurrence proves to be a hard one to extinguish. But with disease education, you can win half the battle against diseases already.

Heart disease. Blame it on the unhealthy habits of eating and lack of regular exercise. Most produce in the market aisle today packs more calories for the usual consumer. The large appetite for oily, fatty, and salty foods are what most people consume in a daily basis. The sedentary work-home life of some of us does not encourage active physical abilities to melt those big calories. The calories build up to some dangerous plaque in your artery blocking them and giving the most dreaded myocardial infarction or heart attack. So start building a healthier lifestyle by eating the right meals and spending hours in exercise.

Cancer. Your own cells turn on you, this is the most basic translation of the disease. Before, cancer was largely attributed to genetic factor but right now, it has been closely tied up with the free radicals of, yes, unhealthy living.

Stroke. It is very hard to loose certain bodily functions that you once enjoy just because this disease took a beating on some part of your cerebral parts. The disability after a stroke is far frustrating because your body just would not work with you anymore.

Been smoking, eating a lot of produced food, and neglecting exercise? If you said yes to any of the three, then change your lifestyle right away if you do not want to fall victim to any of these dreaded diseases today It can be a daunting task but it will prove to be the very best goal to do in your life. Sleep, eat, and exercise right and steer clear of bad vices and habits. Your life is literally in your hands, so go and save it.

Corona - Does the End Justify the Means?

It seems the medical profession has spooked the governments all over the world to take drastic action over the killer corona virus. Because of bureaucratic thinking, the world leaders had no choice but to go into lock down and show the world that they were equally concerned and not backward in protecting human lives.

It did not matter if these steps made millions of people jobless, businesses go broke, airline companies collapse, cruise operators and tourism shut up shop. It did not matter what happened to the economy and what happens to people's lives as a consequence. The main aim was to save human beings at any cost. How can anyone criticize or argue against such a noble cause?

But how can this horrendous cost be justified when the result at the end is not clear at all? It does not seem to be a rational decision for me. If the steps taken stopped or eradicated the disease or killed the virus, one could understand the lock down. But it only slows down the spread of the virus. Once the lock down is lifted, like any viral illness, the infection must eventually spread through society, killing many people the way Influenza virus did until individuals developed immunity against it. Unfortunately, those among us with a weak immune system would undoubtedly be the hardest hit.

In my mind, it is the bureaucratic thinking that has created this problem for us. So what is bureaucratic thinking? It is simplistic thinking employed by governments, businesses, institutions and professionals all over the world, where one goes by only the letter of the law, not the spirit of the law. In it, there is no use of ethics, morals or common sense. One is not allowed to think for oneself. All you have to do is follow the preset rules. It is designed to absolve the person of any complicated thinking or feeling of guilt because if you followed the letter of the law, your actions are always considered correct. No one could blame you if anything went wrong. It induces bullying and authoritative type of behavior in some individuals.

So when the doctors first confronted the corona virus infection, their immediate response was to isolate the people affected by the virus. The medical advice to the government would be to take urgent action. They warned them that if they did not take immediate action, there would be a massive number of people dead and the medical facilities will not be able to cope. Please remember the medical profession does not care about what happens to the economy or what happens to people's lives when you have a lock down. Their only concern is to save human lives.

Now the government is placed in a situation where they are damned if they listened to this advice or damned if they did not. To ignore this advice would be political suicide. They had to show the world that they were more concerned with saving human lives than protecting the economy. They had no choice.

Thus we are now under lock-down with more bureaucratic restrictions and control everywhere. Politicians are justifying their actions by bragging about flattening the curve of the spread of the virus. You do not have to be a prophet to predict this because we have all stopped socializing. They are, of course, ignoring the rising curve of massive unemployment and economic disaster. It is time they started looking at the economy and what is happening to the people around them. The lock down cannot go on forever. One has to expect the curve to rise once the lock down is lifted. Are we going to go into lock down each time a new virus attacks society this way? Should we not prepare ourselves with more field hospitals, quarantine camps etc. in the future or even now?

The government is continuously listening to the advice from medical experts who can only think in one way, and that is the bureaucratic way. They cannot think in any other way. These doctors are only concerned with saving lives at any cost. They do not care about the economy or what happens to the people who lose their jobs. If governments keep listening to these experts, how can we possibly arrive at a sensible approach to dealing with this problem? Why cannot we isolate people who are susceptible and infectious, and let the rest of the community live their normal life? Sooner or later, the government has to decide and bite the bullet.

However, please do not become despondent. Every cloud has a silver lining. One has to look upon all this as a positive experience. The enforced self-isolation has made many of us appreciate the meaning of the word freedom. It has also allowed us to self-reflect and get to know our families better.

But the biggest winner in all this is the environment. In Italy, the canals in Venice have become clearest in 60 years, and dolphins have been spotted in southern parts. While in India, Delhi, the most polluted city in the world is experiencing clear blue skies and the Himalayas have become visible in parts 125 km away for the first time in 30 years.

All this has proven the fact that we human beings are the greatest polluters on this planet earth. We have to take serious note of what we are doing to our world. Here is also a proof that if everyone got their act together, we could clean up this planet in no time.

As one can see, bureaucratic thinking has great limitations. If we do not include other considerations in our thinking, we can easily unwarily sidetrack on to a path of self-destruction.

Respiratory viral infections are the most important and frequent causes of asthma exacerbation, unfortunately their precise pathophysiological mechanisms remain unclear. This article discusses the epidemiological evidence to suggest viral infections exacerbate asthma that is available to date. An understanding of the probable pathophysiological mechanisms of certain viruses will hopefully provide a theoretical basis for controlling and preventing virus induced asthma exacerbation.

Respiratory Viruses

Viruses cause many respiratory disease, from the common cold to pneumonia, depending on the site and dose of virus inoculation and the degree of host immunity.

Human rhinoviruses represent a large genus-containing more than 100 antigenically distinct serotypes within the class of picornaviruses. Consequently, their detection in clinical samples and effective vaccination against them is difficult. Rhinoviruses are the most common viruses affecting older children and adults. They cause approximately 60% of acute respiratory illness and asthma exacerbation. Respiratory syncythial viruses (RSVs) are most commonly responsible for viral infections in infants in the hospital setting. These cause approximately 50% of all wheezing illness and 80% of bronchiolitis. Influenza viruses usually occur in epidemics due to major and minor antigenic drift.

Responses to influenza viruses can vary from mild upper respiratory infection to severe lung infection. Parainfluenza viruses are particularly related to croup in young children, and corona viruses cause approximately 10 to 15% of all upper respiratory infections. Adenoviruses can cause colds, but are also associated with severe lower respiratory tract infections. All of these viruses are capable of exacerbating asthma to varying degrees.

Asthma Exacerbation and Viruses

Since the reports of asthma exacerbation during the influenza epidemics to 1957, there have been many observations of asthma exacerbation associated with viral infection. The advent of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay has been important in improving our ability to detect the viruses involved.

In 32 asthmatic children aged one to five years, Mclntosh et al found that 139 asthma attacks were related to viral infection which were confirmed by virus cultures or increased serum viral antibody titres, but none were found in association with bacterial infections. In several community-based studies, it has been demonstrated that 85% of asthma attacks in children, and 44% to 80% of those in adults, are associated with respiratory viral infections. The virus that most commonly causes asthma like symptoms and bronchiolitis in infants is RSV; rhinoviruses are the most common viral cause of asthma exacerbations in older children and adults.

Johnston et al reported that viral infections precipitate asthma exacerbation leading to hospital admission. In a time-trend analysis, the seasonal patterns of respiratory infection were found to correlate strongly with hospital admissions for asthma for both children and adults. In children both viral infections and asthma admissions were seen to peak at the beginning of school terms.

In a community based prospective study conducted over one year, a close relationship was also found between viral infection and asthma exacerbation in 9 to 11 year-old children. The children suffered four episodes of lower respiratory symptoms per year and upper respiratory symptoms preceded lower respiratory symptoms and fall in peak flow by 1 or 2 days These data suggest that viral infection is an important cause of asthma exacerbation, including asthma attacks severe enough to require hospital admission in both children and adults.


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